Grabity (GBT)
New Paradigm of Internet.
Anyone can share computer resources through already‑possessed idle devices such as smartphones, tablets or PCS, and will be able to contribute in building public Blockchain and transform the Internet paradigm from a centralized system to a distributed network.
Grabity is a public Blockchain project, for the transformation of the Internet paradigm from centralized network to a distributed network. Current hardware performance has improved dramatically, even enough for smartphones to have better performance than previous servers. However, it does not use 100% of storage space or computing power. Anyone can share computer resources through already‑possessed idle devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs, and users can receive rewards as much as they provide resources, and DApp developers can use the shared computer resources to operate services at a lower cost. When the Grabity project reaches the commercialization stage, anyone will be able to make the use of distributed nodes to switch the Internet paradigm.
Grabity is committed to becoming the standard protocol with the priority of developing public Blockchain. Grabity will build a truly decentralized network optimized for P2P communication for commercializing simultaneous transaction processing and distributed storage technology through Genesis Hoisting and Defrag Function technology.
By introducing the Grabity token (GBT), Grabity will provide a distributed infrastructure platform to third-party app developers that enables consumers to continuously contribute small amounts of value from their devices by allowing others to make use of their spare resources.
- The cryptocurrency token (GBT) mentioned to in this paper refers to the tokens available on the Orbits Network main net, not the ERC‑20 tokens based on Ethereum Blockchain.
- Existing Grabity clients will implement an optional set of backward-compatible protocol extensions which allow them to bid and receive
bids for their bandwidth, working in tandem with a cryptocurrency wallet and bidding engine.
- The project plans to utilize the GBT in more utility cases beyond the current sharing of bandwidth, expanding access to more services including general storage, computation, and resource availability.
- The token will initially be used in Grabity clients as payment in exchange for requesting upstream bandwidth. Usage will be extended
to additional capabilities including purchasing content, tipping live streaming performers, and crowdfunding the creation of new works.
Grabity Token (GBT) mentioned to in this paper refers to the tokens available on the Orbits Network main net.
Everybody Demand for GBT
Everybody who need computer resources should purchase GBT. Need to purchase GBT to participate the in the ICO on the Orbits Network‑based DApp .GBT is DApp’s main currency, and if DApp’s users increase, demand can increase. The reward for providing computer resources after the main net launch can be expected to increase the demand for GBT, determined from the additional computer resources and GBT.
Various DLT will be developed
Nine years have passed since Bitcoin was developed since 2009. By 2020, various Distributed Ledger technology will be developed and DLT (DLT: Distributed Ledger Technology)will be standardized after 2020, and DLT will be commercialized and used throughout the industry in 2025.
DLT will progress several times faster
Currently, the Blockchain industry has experienced a bubble economy like “dot‑com bubble”, with technological development and attempting to commercialize it. Without trust and reliability in the Blockchain technology, it is dicult for people to accept the new paradigm, which is also linked to the structure of a market (commercialization). Like the development of the Internet industry in the early days, the Distributed Ledger Technology will go in a similar direction. However, it can be predicted that the Distributed Ledger Technology will progress several times faster because it uses the existing Internet infrastructure.
Not paying for using, improve payment structure
The cost of use (gas fee) should be improved. Ethereum is being implemented on the Blockchain, both in the recording of the Distributed Ledger and in the Smart Contract execution. Each time a request is made, you will be asked for gas. Just as, not paying every time for using the Internet, we need to improve our current payment structure in order to commercialize.
More effcient data storage structure is required
The third is data storage eciency. Constantly generated ledger, Smart Contracts, and junk data are stored forever in the Blockchain, and all full Nodes must store all of the data accumulated from the Genesis Block which is over 1 Terabyte of current Ethereum. As the capacity of the Light Node exceeds 150 GB, the entry barriers increase and the overall network effciency decreases. It is necessary to store them effciently. Data integrity is guaranteed, but a more effcient data storage structure is required.
Create a fully Distributed DApp structure.
The fourth is to create a fully Distributed DApp structure. Currently, the DApp structure is formed into a hybrid application of App and DApp (decentralized application). DApp’s database is stored in a Blockchain structure, and the executable codes run on the central server which the data can be protected through the Blockchain, but if the central server is disabled, the whole system will crash. Not only the database, but DApp’s source les need to be processed in distributed structure.
A universal Blockchain development environment.
It is difficult for Ethereum to introduce more DApp because of the increased barriers to enter from less‑dissolvable language (Solidity) in a limited environment. If you provide a development environment in a more common language, many developers will easily participate and develop a lot of killing App.
Adding the GBT Token
With the addition of the GBT Token, those who do not want to wait a long time to complete a download may utilize the token to incentivize more seeders for desired content, thereby accelerating download speeds.
However, paid consumers are not the only ones who benefit; the token is an opt-in model, meaning that individuals that do not want to pay or charge for torrenting can always continue to do so.
The possibility that a user can receive tokens of value natively within their torrent client means that there is a tangible expected monetary value reward for choosing to seed files, beyond the current rewards of a non-throttled download speed and the altruistic reward of maintaining a healthy sharing ratio.
With the potential to earn, the token can also disincentivize users from turning off seeding once they receive the files they want, because of the opportunity cost of forgone seeding income.
How Tokenizing Helps All Grabity Users
The effect of increased file availability from introducing the GBT Token is even more prominent for rarer resources and files — the potential willingness to pay from consumers necessarily means that the potential earning power for seeding rare files is even higher, which then encourages these files to actually be hosted within the network.
Thus, the average user that does not pay is still able to benefit from the increased file availability across the Grabity network, as more files should theoretically be available to the network as a whole because of this increase in expected reward for seeding.
In short, content providers can earn for their efforts, non-paying consumers can enjoy increased access to content, and paid consumers can enjoy accelerated access, a win-win for all.
Token Supply Distribution:
- Token Sale Eventtokens constitute30% of the total token supply.
- Partner & Advisor tokens constitute 10% of total token supply.
- Grabity Team were allocated 10% of total supply.
- BD & Marketing tokens constitute 10% of total tokensupply.
- Grabity Ecosystem is allocated 20% of issued tokens
- R&D tokens constitute 20% of the total token supply
Private Sale Overview
Conducted on 19 Nov 2018 for ETH at a rate of ?? GBT = ?? ZT, raising ?? ETH at $?? per token by selling 15-10% of total supply.
Public Sale Overview
Conducted on 22 Feb 2019, raising ?? TEH at $0.0053 per token by selling 5% of total supply.
Token Governance & Use of Funds
Use of funds according to the allocations below:
- [10%] Business Development
- [10%] Marketing
- [50%] Development
- [30%] EcoSystem
Tokens are held in a compatible cold wallet. The unlocking of tokens will be handled by the Grabity Foundation. The foundation utilizes multi- wallets that the CEO, Head of Finance, Trading Director and Finance.
Controller have access to, of which three must be present in order to unlock funds.
Tokens are held in a compatible cold wallet. The unlocking of tokens will be handled by the Grabity Foundation. The foundation utilizes multi- wallets that the CEO, Head of Finance, Trading Director and Finance.
Controller have access to, of which three must be present in order to unlock funds.
GBT Token Release Schedule
The following chart represents the number and breakdown of all GBT tokens that are to be released into circulation on a monthly basis.
Note: Grabity Ecosystem tokens, & Partnership tokens continue unlocking. The rate of distribution tapers over time. Please refer to the official notices of the Grabity for timely and accurate information.
GBT Token Overview & Use Cases
Current GBT Token Utility: The GBT token is currently in live testing as a mechanism for Grabity clients to bid and earn tokens in exchange for contribution of their upstream bandwidth within existing Grabity peer-to-
peer swarms.
Future GBT Token Use Cases:
The project plans to utilize the GBT token beyond the current focus on sharing of bandwidth, and expand to additional services related to storage, computation, & resource availability.
- Purchase of Downloadable Media:
Users can purchase downloadable assets directly from creators.
- Crowdfunding For Creative Works:
Providing smart contracts that allow Resources users to escrow contributions of GBT to fund creation of new work.
Original Roadmap
Updated Roadmap
Q1 2019
- Smart contract Deploy ERC20 based Token issue Grabity Pre-Sale
Q2 2019
- Grabity Public-Sale Listing of exchange
Q3 2019
- Planet Wallet Launching
Q4 2019
- Network Layer Development
Q1 2020
- Consensus Layer Development
Q2 2020
- Application Layer Development
- Toolkit & SDK Development
- Block Explorer Development
Q3 2020
- Testnet LaunchingManagement Layer Development
Q4 2020
- Mainnet Launching
Q1 2021
- DApp Store Launching
Commercial Partnership and Business Development Progress
The GRABITY team is also working to bring content from GRABITY games, and news sites to Grabity and the Grabity Now product.
The total team is nineteen people, with twelve developers.
Jangwon Lim
Founder & CEO of GRABITY
Grabity’s father. Graduated from Seoul Science High School and majored in biotechnology at Indiana State University in the U.S. as a 10th year entrepreneur in IT security, consulting and trade.”It’s the most attractive art to be good at business,” said Andy Warhol, who dreams of becoming an artist who makes new works with his teammates.
Junho Lee
Co-Founder & COO
Since he was interested in start-up in his early 20s, started his business career when he was a student at Soongsil University. In 2017, joined the company as a founding member of 300celebs, an influence chat app, and was responsible for operation, marketing, and planning. Later, being attracted by the appeal of the blockchain, the Grabity Project was launched, and is now in charge of the overall operation of Grabity.
Eddie Bak
Co-Founder & CTO
Firmly believe that IT services, which are new, meaningful, and fun, are increasing their chances of success based on a number of failure experiences in the startup industry, which has become attracted to changing the world. Participated in the design and development of services such as fashion style suggestions and shared social media (magazine look), emergency notification applications (smart silver lining), and late-night car wash management solutions (washerman) for apartments.
Jacob Park
Develop Lead
Majored in medical engineering. Since I was a student, entered the current business and worked as a developer. Possible to develop android apps, IOS apps, java, php, javascript, etc. Main construction was in charge of developing the SK Telecom IOT product Petfit through Android app and heterogeneous communication. Since then, the company has developed Android apps such as cash balls and chiffons, and IOS apps. Currently leading the development team as head of the development team.
Se-il Jeong
Software Engineer
Although majored in law, started studying as a developer because curious about the IT industry. Starting with HTML and CSS, focusing on PHP and Javascript. During the process of website and native app development, the company was responsible for developing Restful API server using website publishing and PHP and is currently working on a project using Vue.js and Node.js.
Keunyeong Yun
Software Engineer
Graduated from the IT department of the Ministry of Information and Communication. Started as a front-end developer and has experience in creating ERP systems from platform builders. Joined the Grabity Team in 2018 with interest in blockchain technology. Retention techniques include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Vue.js.
JeongHyun Choi
Android Developer
Studied development by myself for two years because I couldn’t solve the question of development by school alone. Mainly developed Android platform and developed Mobile Wallet that can exchange token using testnet because it is interested in blockchain Eiderum platform.
Kyusong Moon
ios Developer
Since I was a student, I have become interested in programming with various experiences such as game programming, media art, 3d modeling, micro controller. I try to develop a single line of code with care - as Grady Booch said, “Clean code reads like well-written prose.” I have experience in developing applications that visualize footprint low-pressure sensor data from a wearable device company.
Donghwa Kang
Design Lead
Majored in Digital Art, a department of media creation. Career in performing media art, stage video, and field operator. Attracted to platform construction and studied UI design and Html / Css / Javascript to build various works for platformcompany. In 2018, Became a member of Grabity. Currently, working on design such as Wallet, Block Explorer, and DApp.
Jack Lee
Chinese Marketing Manager
Three years of experience in the development department of China’s Nike OEM company, and has experiences such as exchange of Korean, Chinese, and other activities. Joined Grabity, interested in blockchain technology, and responsible for Chinese and overseas marketing sales. Developing blockchain overseas markets that are part of communication with China.
Hajin Jhun
Chairman of the Blockchain Association
From 1998 to 2001, served as the CEO of HAMCOM, and as the 19th National Assembly member in 2012, and now serves the development of blockchain industry as the chairman of the self-regulation committee of the Blockchain Association.
Leo Liu
President of IDCM
Leo was previously an ultra high net worth director at UBS. He has 10 years experience in asset allocation for wealth management, fund establishment and equity investments. Leo holds a DBA from Grenoble École de Management, France. He is currently the president of the IDCM Exchange.
Duksoo Kim
Founder & CEO
Over 20 years of experience in IT and security services. Currently in charge of CTO of AMO team that wants to utilize blockchain and establish a platform
Minwoo Nam
Over 17 years of IT development experience and is currently the Head of Blockchain Development, Assistant Director of Cloudbrick Project.
Junwoo Kang
Samsung Electronics has developed EMS web front and backend, and obtained algorithmic professional rating. As a co-founder of Hexlant, responsible for the development of Token Bank and Hexbp, and is involved in various developments.
Sunghyun Moon
Over 13 years has been in IT-based service and solution business, and has worked for Pentasecurity. Currently, director of strategic business at X Block Systems and is developing multi-dimensional blockchain platform and ASTON Foundation platform.
Leon Kim
Founder and CEO of Bolt Lab. Partner of BitSonic Labs and is in charge of investor relations on the BitSonic Exchange.
Orbits Network Overview
The truly distributed system optimized for wireless communications.
The Orbits Network is Grabity’s decentralized main net that draw a truly distributed P2P network by utilizing all wired/wirelessly connected idle computer resources. Transactions from Orbits Network are managed effciently through using Genesis Hoisting technology, which can process transactions simultaneously and quickly. In addition, Smart Contract and resource les can be stored in separate portions into each by using the distributed storage technology and Defrag Function technology that can recall each part and execute in a streaming format.
Simultaneous Transaction
The sequential transaction‑processing structure has limitations in the processing speed that cause problems in scalability. The fundamental way to address scalability issue is to handle simultaneous transactions. The simultaneous transaction processing is to be implemented on the Orbits Network and is in a producer‑structure in which a node becomes the transaction generating, processing and verifying user. This solves the problem of scalability because the number of nodes that process and verify transaction also increases as the number of transactions increases, unlike the existing methods in which the network is overloaded as the number of transactions increases. The simultaneous transaction processing structure overcomes the need to collect and process transactions, creating a single block at the same time as generating a transaction and storing it in each node, that is responsible for processing including itself when the block is validated.
Distributed Storage
Current DApps store database in the Blockchain and the source les are stored on a central server. Due to the fundamental limitations of the Blockchain technology and communication technology, it operates in a hybrid structure. This structure can be protected through Blockchain to some extent but is still at a vulnerable state, but when the central server becomes disabled, the whole system will collapse. A truly distributed application should allow source les to operate and store in distribution. However, an effcient storage system and processing system is needed in managing the source les in the Blockchain because the capacity increases exponentially. Unlike the existing structure in which functions are stored in the entire memory and reading the contents of a particular function, the program source on the Orbits Network have their functions hashed and stored in basic units.
Planet Wallet
SDK (Software Development Kit)
Existing APPs and developers will have time and money to develop and apply the blockchain independently. However, if you use the software development kit (SDK) of the Grabity, you can easily apply the blockchain to existing services. The SDK of Grabity can be applied to more than 90% of existing APP services, and the SDK language provided is as.
The value of the main net depends on the number of DApp. Most DApp users come from existing application users, so Grabity provides a familiar DApp Store for existing application users. Since the essential requirement to use DApp is the unrestricted storage space and transaction of tokens, DApp Store will be released on PC and mobile versions associated with other wallets and exchanges.
The DApp Store is classi ed into various categories such as game, nance, social networking, media, health, education, music, etc. and the ranking system is based on an algorithm that comprehensively consider daily average number of users, satisfaction, transaction, and development.
The Grabity ecosystem consists of nodes, community, DApp, and platforms, and each institute contributes to the ecosystem based on the token economy. We present the token economy and various requirements for the ecosystem to function and develop as follows.
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