1. Enter into a contract trading
1) Login into the BW website, find the “Contract Trading” button, click it and enter the Contract Trading page.
2) If you are not logged in at the home page, you can log in by entering the contract sub-section and clicking the “Login” button on the left or in the upper right corner of the page.
3) Digital asset contract trading is an innovative investment product with high risk and high return and also requires strong professionalism. If you enter the contract trading page for the first time, you need to carefully read the user agreement to confirm the opening of the contract trading.
2. How to transfer funds to contract trading account?
1) Click the "Asset Transfer" button on the page to transfer the assets between "Exchange Account" and "Contract Account".
2) Select transfer direction and currency, input transfer quantity and click asset transfer to transfer assets from one account to another. There is no charge for asset transfer between BW accounts. If there is no asset in the Exchange spot trading account, click "deposit currency" to recharge.
3) After the asset is transferred successfully, the updated balance will be displayed in the available balance. Then you can start contract trading.
3. How to place an order or open a position?
There are two ways to place an order. Select the limit price or the market price under the “Place Order” section (no need to enter the price under market price mode). There are two position patterns: Cross Margin and Isolated Margin. Take it as an example under the limit price and the Isolated Margin.
1) Select the limit price and isolated margin mode. Select the leverage multiple. Manually enter the price or click the order book to fill price bas the same order. Manually enter the contract quantity;
2) Click the “Buy/Long” or “Sell/Short” button. Take going long as an example. Enter the confirmation page to check the order information. Click the “buy/Long” button then the order is successfully placed.
3) If the order is not completed immediately after the order is placed, you can view or cancel the pending order under the “Open Order” list;
4) After the order is completed, it will be displayed in the current position list; the positions in the list can adjust the margin and perform liquidation.
4. View the profit
1) You can view your position under the “position” list if you have one, and the profit is divided into unrealised and realised profit and loss.
Unrealised profit and loss is the estimated profit and loss amount after the current position is liquidated according to the Fair Price. Red represents the account is losing money, and the green represents the account is in profit.
Realised profit and loss include transaction fees, capital cost, and partial liquidated income. Red represents the account is losing money, and the green represents the account is in profit.
2) After liquidation, the profit from it will be displayed under the “Liquidated Position” list.
5. How to liquidate a position?
There are two ways to liquidate the position: liquidating the position in the position list and putting an order to liquidate the position.
Method 1: In the “Current Position” list, click the “Limit price” button on the right of the position to enter the price, select the closing ratio or input the quantity of contracts. Then click the button below to liquidate with a limit price. If not completed immediately, it will be displayed in the open orders where you can click “cancel the liquidation order”. You can also click the market price button to make quick liquidation without entering the price;
Method 2: Place an order on the left side, the direction is opposite to the current position, the quantity is the same as the position, and the position can also be closed.
Tips on investment risk: cryptocurrency asset is an innovative investment product with high price fluctuation. As a neutral trading platform, BW is only set up to facilitate the trading of cryptocurrency enthusiasts, and does not assume any guarantee or compensation for the investment value of the currency. Please rationally judge your investment ability and make investment decisions carefully.
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