Dear users, will open the deposit and trading of TORI (Storichain token). The specific time schedule is as follows:
Open trading time:
TORI/ETH : July 17th, 14:00 (UTC+8)
TORI/BTC : July 20th, 14:00 (UTC+8)
TORI/USDT: July 23th,14:00 (UTC+8)
Open deposit time:
July 29th,14:00 (UTC+8)
Open withdrawal time:
July 30th,14:00 (UTC+8)
Thank you for your support !
About TORI(Storichain token)
English name of Token: Storichain token
Ticker of Token: TORI
Total issuance:4,000,000,000 TORI
Storichain is a DApp and storytellers agreement protocol that create stories, distribute and manage story IPs. It is also a protocol that provides a contract for story creation contracts. Users can change their positions in the story chain ecosystem as writers, producers, and readers, and participate in story creation before they are published as individual media such as movies, dramas, cartoons, and games. Also, if you can get a reward for the weekly contribution of the user before the sale of the copyright, and if the story you participated in is sold for the second production, such as publishing, video, etc., DApp) and Etherium as the main network.
Other Information
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BW, Bit World, Better World Global Operations Team
July 13, 2019
Storichain is an international project introducing a shared protocol and partially decentralized DApp for the story industry to address issues using blockchain characteristics. The story industry leverages “stories” as a source of products and covers areas such as radio dramas, musicals, web dramas, plays, dramas, movies, and web novels.
The trillion-dollar global digital content industry is expected to maintain a high 10% growth rate over the next five years to hit the $2.4 trillion mark by 2021. The size of the South Korean market is approximately 14.5 trillion KRW.
But despite the market’s rapid growth, the industry still experiences various issues. Among the most significant is that story assets (scripts, scenarios, webtoons, source stories, novels, and others) are traded mostly on offline platforms because of idea theft problems. In that regard, Storichain may be deemed as a “digital story asset management system” that enables users to transact online even with non-trustable individuals by creating an “idea theft prevention contract.” Another issue is related to “profit-sharing.” For instance, the webtoon industry had already surpassed a market size of $700 million, but many individuals are still questioning its profit-sharing structure, and several content creators are struggling to receive enough payment for their work.
Furthermore, in areas with high production costs, such as the drama or movie industry, it is customary for production firms to take the risk of the future by shouldering most of the necessary cost during the story gathering and development process. In the story industry, readers’ role is as vital to that of the production companies and writers. If a reader shares their experience and emotions with others, it can bring about a networking effect, which can contribute to the story. Other activities, such as writing reviews and sharing their stories, may also be considered a contributing action.
Storichain is a DApp and storytellers agreement protocol that create stories, distribute and manage story IPs. It is also a protocol that provides a contract for story creation contracts. Users can change their positions in the story chain ecosystem as writers, producers, and readers, and participate in story creation before they are published as individual media such as movies, dramas, cartoons, and games. #Storichain
Why Does
Story Industry
Need Blockchain
What is the story industry?
This refers to the media industry based on narratives such as movies, dramas, and webtoons. The role of middleman (distributor) in the current story industry is positive in that it is responsible for the effort to give the end consumer the optimal benefit of secondary work.
However, how much benefit will the screenwriters of the 10 million-viewed film benefit? How much will ordinary readers benefit from reading and responding to the original novel? How often is the "excess revenue" distributed to the original writer when the original story is sold as a secondary copyright?
The problem of distributing the excess revenue occured only yesterday or today, but we believe that this should not be occured again tomorrow.
Now we need a fair ditribution & allocation for the writer who created the story, which is the source material for the media additive industry, which amounts to 130 trillion won in the future.
In the meantime, it has been so difficult to reliably collect notarized quantitative data, which could be used as the basis for distribution.
The time has come that we have to try to measure "creation contribution data" more accurately through DLT(Distributed Ledger Technology) and give compensation to storytellers before copyright sales. Further more, if you could make story IP(intellectual property) as an asset, raise fund with your story IP and track core contribution datas from creating it, then it will soon become a whole new life style that two different fields - creative activities and the investment techniques change into simple
Bounty BTT:
The project Storichain brings forward the idea of implementing blockchain technology in a field other than development and management. By using the versatile characteristics of blockchain, this project aims at solving the existing problems of the story industry. They have explained the term Story Industry as “the industry which uses ‘stories’ as a source of their products and includes areas such as movies, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals, and radio dramas”. By 2021, the digital content market is expected to grow from the current $1.449 trillion to $2.4 trillion as stated by National IT Industry Promotion Agency in its 2017 digital content market report.
Problems of the Story Industry
The Problem of Allocating Excess Earnings to the Creators of the Story
Currently, in the story industry, there is no reliable data to distribute excess earnings to the story creators fairly.
The stories are distributed in the form of publication or videos in the final stage. The subject of distribution is usually the publisher
for publications and film (video) distributors for videos. The distributors invest in marketing and infrastructure to maximize the
added value of the original material, which is the story. The problem is that while the invested cost used by the distributors are
easily measurable, it is hard to measure the labor costs of creators and consumers that was inputted during the process of
generating added value.
Thus, even if the generated value added exceeds what is attributable to the marketing or infrastructure, the original creator of the
story, who has not been able to gain the upper hand in the contract from the start, was unable to receive proper compensation
through clauses such as ‘running guarantee.’ As a result, the distributors become the middleman who inevitably monopolizes the
excess revenue throughout the entire process. Even if a derivative work is made out of the original story and generates excess
profit, there is no reliable quantitative data to prove the contribution of the original story creator in the event of a conflict. In order
to use such data in the event of a conflict, the data must be verified as not falsified or manipulated being stored. So far, the
individual distributors had negotiated directly with the story creator, and even if they were willing to share the excess profit with the
creator, they could not find the proper quantitative data to confirm a reasonable profit-sharing method. Due to this lack of
reasonable system, the story creator always had to struggle making a living even when they had a track record of success in the
past, making them agree to unfavorable terms during new negotiations. A summary of the story industry’s overall process is shown
[figure : The Problem of Story Distribution]
How can we track whether a single original story can lead to new contracts, and such contracts generate new added-value?
Moreover, in the case when excess earning is generated at the end of each distribution phase, how can we share such profit to the
original author of the story? In order for this to be possible, we must have a measurable fundamental data during
thecreation/production process. Because this fundamental data has not been reliably accumulated, intellectual properties such as
scripts have not been appropriately securitized.
Efforts to Improve the Treatment of the Creators
As times change, interest in improving the treatment of original story creators within the story industry is on the rise. Over the past
decade, there have been a variety of attempts such as policy support, platform diversification, and software experiments to make
this possible.
In Korea, there is a government platform called the ‘Storium,’ and there is also the ‘Korean Film Scenario Market’ which is run by the
Korean Film Council. However, due to the lack of technical support for anti-plagiarism, many writers are not uploading their work in
the platform, and the visit rate from productions have also dropped significantly. Eventually, the scenario market is planning to shut
down its services. The root cause that led to the failure was the lack of data to provide incentives for the entire distribution process
of story copyrights, and the inability to form a confidentiality agreement, which is crucial to prove the responsibilities of each
participants. Newcomers and online writers often tend to upload their work online because they are relatively less influenced by
idea theft. The pain point of these writers is that they have difficulties in making new contracts quickly and the clauses are
unfavorable to them. On the other hand, professional writers who participate in commercial movies or dramas are required to
meet face-to-face with their clients when they trade their scripts. However, in this case, the amount of opportunity costs and trust
costs are too high. Furthermore, if they hope to sell their work through an agency, the writers must pay up to 15% commission (in
Hollywood) at the sale.
Many countries have their own ways of supporting artists and providing incentives through different support systems and policies.
However, most of the funding programs do not focus on returning the excess earnings that occur during the distribution process
back to the original writers, nor do they return the intellectual property right of the story to them. In the era of the ‘Fourth Industrial
Revolution,’ where the intangible intellectual property rights become the main source of value-added creation, compensating the
creative activities of the writers through government funds, private contests and sponsorships –which is now being reduced as a
mere tool for advertising/marketing for private companies- is simply not enough. The world is becoming more and more digitalized,
connecting with each other faster than ever. However, the story industry is still living in the past as only a few limited numbers of
capital powers are monopolizing the benefits caused by the information asymmetry among participants of the production process,
including original story writers, adaptors, monitoring panels, translaters, producers, investors, and distributors. Among the agents
who participate in this industry, producers and investors, who contribute as much to the development of IP’s as writers, are having
difficulties on working from the content creators’ side due to the fact that they are ‘small businesses. The middleman’s role in the
story industry could be considered as a meaningful mediator, as they play a role in helping to deliver the best work to the
consumer, viewers, and readers, who are the final consumer in this industry. The problem is that the writers and producers will
often fall into the trap of planning/developing new contents in a way they can ‘reduce the costs,’ instead of focusing on the quality
and the ‘value’ of the content. During this process, there is a high possibility of conflict between the ‘small’ middlemans and the
content creators. Creators might argue that the middleman’s have not put enough effort into the production, and the middleman’s
often have a hard time proving their efforts that have been put into the production.
The best solution available at this point to solve this problem is to store the entire creation and transaction process by transferring
it into a form of verifiable data, ensuring the trust among participants. Until now, a third party such as an external agency had to
participate in the process to guarantee the trust between the stakeholders of the transaction. However, for paper contracts, it was
still a different matter to guarantee trust and to force payments/services between the parties involved.
Even in the case where two authors signed a notarized contract to co-write a web novel and to split the profits at 7:3, it was hard to
force the payment (in this case, split of profit) without going through a complicated process of law enforcement. If the amount of
money to be paid is less than the cost that occurs during the law enforcement process (legal fee, etc.), the writers are likely to forfeit
their rights.
What will happen if we can use the Smart Contract technology of blockchain to code the terms of the contract, and even use the
code to find out whether such terms have been fulfilled? It will now become clear that securing trust in the story industry is no
longer a matter that we can achieve by simply relying on the efforts of the government or certain groups. Of course, this new
experiment will involve a considerable number of research tasks to be carried out, such as identifying the difference between the
code language of Smart Contract and the natural language, and finding out whether it has legal validity. Moreover, even when it
becomes ‘technically possible,’ we cannot guarantee that the entire idea will become entirely practical. Also, there are a lot of things
that we cannot solve with technology and requires thorough discussion among the stakeholders in the industry, easily put; there
are still a lot of ways to go. To take the first step of this long road, the Storichain team set these two research tasks as the basic core
for our future development: 1. Measuring the author’s writing workload, 2. Off-chain/On-chain information trust agreement.
However, we are also aware that these kinds of researches alone cannot lead to real contributions to the industry. In the end, we
believe that we could contribute to the industry after developing a service platform with a UI/UX that maximizes user convenience
on top of an actual operating code.
The project is very promising for investors to make a lot of money because the idea is really good and it really can be achieved. The idea, the competence of the team, the results achieved, partnerships. All this indicates that this project has a great future.
Storichain is my favorite New project. This company includes modern technologies and innovative ideas that the team of specialists implements for the benefit of all mankind! This is the company that will change our future #Storichain
The project Storichain brings forward the idea of implementing blockchain technology in a field other than development and management. By using the versatile characteristics of blockchain, this project aims at solving the existing problems of the story industry. Storichain will ensure that it systematically measures the contributions made towards a story in a manner that the system records who, when and how of the contribution. It will prove the value of the creators’ efforts by analyzing each creators’ contributions to the story in the case of collaborations. This data is defined as the “Activity Metrics” and will be used to distribute the profits generated by the story. This data can not be altered as it will exist on blockchain. Implementing blockchain technology saves costs and time for story writers and contributors, removes the need for a third party interference and also ensures honest reward and profit distribution. #Storichain
The Development Company of Storichain project - SCOWORK INC and the Storicain Team members are really happy to be with passionate commercialization projects around Kookmin University, and some good prospective writers in Kookmin Universtity.
I see a future in this project. The founder of the project is very seriously trying to bring the project to a new level - participates in conferences, meets interesting people, does everything to achieve the project. This is the most important thing-I would like to help him. I hope the project will develop.
However, despite the rapid growth of the market, the industry still has many problems left to be solved. One of the biggest problems is that the story assets (source stories, scripts, novels, webtoons, scenarios, etc.), which is the foundation of the entire industry, are only being traded on an offline platform due to idea theft issues. Currently, almost the entirety of the transactions is made offline between people who trust each other. In this regard, Storichain can be considered as a digital story asset management system which allows the individuals to make transactions online even with non-trustable people by making an ‘idea theft prevention contract.’ One other problem within the industry is the issue related to ‘profit-sharing.’ For example, the webtoon industry, which is one of the biggest story-based industry in Korea, had already exceeded $700 million in market size, but there are still many people questioning the profit-sharing structure of the industry, and many content creators are still having a hard time on
receiving sufficient compensation for their work.
Moreover, in areas where production costs are relatively high, such as the movie/drama industry, it is customary for the production companies, which is considered as a distribution broker and the early-stage investor in the industry, to take full risk of the future by paying most of the costs that is required during the story gathering/development process. This was due to the nature of the industry that there is no guarantee that the story quality will directly lead to sufficient market demand.
Why Storichain on the Blockchain.
Storichain has watched the blockchain technology securing the trust among participants, and expanding its boundaries to unforeseen territories. Blockchain provides trust beyond borders and ideologies, helping many industries to simplify the problems they have faced in the past and providing new solutions. The Storichain is seeking to introduce blockchain into the story industry to create a world where all participants can feel satisfaction while taking their part of the responsibility. To implement this philosophy step by step, we will now pinpoint the current problems of the industry to find new solutions.
Storichain has everything required for a successful launch: a strong team, a reliable business model.
This project deserves your attention. The idea, the competence of the team, the results achieved, partnerships. The project is very promising for investors to make a lot of money, because the idea is really good, and it really can be achieved. Hopefully this project is successful.
Storichain is a protocol agreement between DApp and Storyteller that creates, distributes and manages stories. This is also a protocol that provides contracts for storytelling contracts. Users can change their position in the story chain ecosystem as authors, producers, and readers, and participate in storytelling before being published as individual media such as movies, drama, cartoons, and games.
Optimized: Optimized for Co-Work / Co-Write / Contract Maker Between Authors, Weekly Compensation, and Third-Party Content API
Easy to Use: Anytime, anywhere you want to tell a story. Simple and fast writing platform.
Matching Partner: Author Match / Collaboration / Job Statistics Agreement / Update Notification / Complete Commission Creation
Participate in: platforms for readers to participate in the work, to become their own authors, to write stories and to participate in them
Transparent: Platform that rewards participants fairly and transparently with their contributions.
Global Platform: A global platform that can be translated, marketed, or even copyrighted for global expansion
The Storichain project for discussing and developing “stories” as a kind of intellectual property. Industry stories can be translated as industries that complement the creation of stories and action works that use stories created for a variety of purposes. In 2014, industry stories have created added value through products
Storichain does not store original text history data in the blockchain. Things that contradict the facts regarding approved storichain made in the making and transactions of the story, the data transfers and the ownership of the story from more text from / to the story itself. Rather than preventing such actions, it is important for storeichain to prove the value of the author
Storichain calls this data an “activity metric”. Because activity metrics are used to generate earnings based on reports, activity metrics can not be forged or tampered with. In addition, performance counters are used as the basis for calculating the growth index, which is used to determine the main asset value of a story. This will be the basis for the distribution of profits.
Launch blockchain technology that trusts participants and negotiates their boundaries into unexpected regions. Blockchain builds trust across borders and ideologies and helps many industries simplify the problems they have faced in the past and provide new solutions. Storichain invited the blockchain to be embedded in the storyline industry to create a world in which everyone involved can be content by participating in the responsibility. To support this phased philosophy, companies now have solutions to current industry issues to find new solutions.
Currently, the global digital content industry reaches 1.4490 trillion (1) and is expected to maintain a high growth rate of 10% over the next 5 years, reaching around $ 2.4 trillion by 2021, around 14, 5 trillion KRW.
The Storichain team has completed the main upcoming sales plan. Below is the most important complete sales plan.
IEO Exchange:
Time: June. 25. 2019. during the day.
IEO Exchange:
Time: June. 25. 2019. during the day
IEO Exchange:
Time: July.7.1. during the day
Additional information on how to sell tokens for each update will be posted later through the Storichain community and will be updated when changes or other approvals occur.
Storichain is working hard to develop Alpha services to facilitate conversations across central servers by deploying MVP services that have not yet started. In particular, we’ve first developed storytelling capabilities, interactive story viewing, goods purchase, and merchandising capabilities. While the development offering is not up-to-date, the Storichain team will do their utmost to open services that have been released from the collection size.
Storichain all teem member this project very well development and alwayes active.Very powerful teem.I hope this project future will be successful and another big exchange listed.
Storichain has watched the blockchain technology securing the trust among participants, and expanding its boundaries to unforeseen territories. Blockchain provides trust beyond borders and ideologies, helping many industries to simplify the problems they have faced in the past and providing new solutions. The Storichain is seeking to introduce blockchain into the story industry to create a world where all participants can feel satisfaction while taking their part of the responsibility. To implement this philosophy step by step, we will now pinpoint the current problems of the industry to find new solutions.
What is the story industry?
This refers to the media industry based on narratives such as movies, dramas, and webtoons. The role of middleman (distributor) in the current story industry is positive in that it is responsible for the effort to give the end consumer the optimal benefit of secondary work.
However, how much benefit will the screenwriters of the 10 million-viewed film benefit? How much will ordinary readers benefit from reading and responding to the original novel? How often is the "excess revenue" distributed to the original writer when the original story is sold as a secondary copyright?
The problem of distributing the excess revenue occured only yesterday or today, but we believe that this should not be occured again tomorrow.
Now we need a fair ditribution & allocation for the writer who created the story, which is the source material for the media additive industry, which amounts to 130 trillion won in the future.
In the meantime, it has been so difficult to reliably collect notarized quantitative data, which could be used as the basis for distribution.
Storichain will make the process of creating a derivative work from the source material more transparent, deciding the injustice that exists in the industry and creates new values.
my username Bitcointalk : LuzeraCalipso
my profile :;u=2311439
Storichain (TORI ) - ICO Details
Storichain is a DApp and storytellers agreement protocol that create stories, distribute and manage story IPs. It is also a protocol that provides a contract for story creation contracts. Users can change their positions in the story chain ecosystem as writers, producers, and readers, and participate in story creation before they are published as individual media such as movies, dramas, cartoons, and games. Also, if you can get a reward for the weekly contribution of the user before the sale of the copyright, and if the story you participated in is sold for the second production, such as publishing, video, etc., DApp) and Etherium as the main network.
Storichain is here to change our story
The technology does not stand still. While chaos reigns in the financial sector, its electronic currency has appeared on the Internet. And not tens, but hundreds, thousands of cryptocurrencies. Modern technologies are something, many useful things appear from nothing and help us in life. It is difficult to imagine that even 15–20 years ago there were no smartphones. People called each other only from “urban” landlines. Today everything has changed. Cryptocurrency is another technology that can change our world for the better. This concept appeared a few years ago. However, the technology has proved very useful and required in various fields. Starting with daily payments and ending with data protection.
This means media industries based on narratives such as the film industry, drama and the website. The role of distributors in the current history sector is positive because it is dedicated to the end user in their efforts to provide optimal benefits for their secondary work.
But how much can screenwriters benefit from 10 million films? How many generic readers benefit from reading and answering the original novel? How often is an “excessive income” distributed to the original author when an original article is sold under a second copyright?
Yesterday and today I think there is a problem of excessive profit distribution, but tomorrow will not happen again. The multimedia contribution industry must now be equally distributed and distributed to the authors who created the history of its origins. It will save 130 trillion in the future. On the other hand, reliable collection of reliable quantitative data is very difficult and can be used as a basis for distribution.
It is time for DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) to more accurately measure “creation contribution data” and pay compensation to storytellers before selling the copyright. What’s more, if you can make an IP story (intellectual property) as a resource, fund your IP story, and track the data of the main contributions since it was created, there will soon be a completely new lifestyle with two different areas: creative activities and investment techniques are simple Storichain can be seen as a digital historical asset management system that allows people to işlem make transactions online yaparak by making agreements to prevent theft of ideas. Another problem in the sector is profit sharing. For example, the web industry, one of the largest land-based industries in Korea, has exceeded $ 700 million in market size, but still in the industry as well as in many materials. Creators still have difficulty getting enough compensation for their work.
In addition, activity indicators are also used as the basis for calculating the growth index used to determine the underlying asset value of a story. This will be the basis for profit distribution. Storichain follows blockchain technology, which increases the confidence between subscribers and their boundaries in unplanned areas. Blockchain provides confidence beyond boundaries and ideologies, helping many industries simplify the problems they have faced in the past and offer new solutions.
Storichain - это проект, который предоставляет частично децентрализованное приложение dApp и общий протокол для решения проблем индустрии рассказов с помощью характеристик блокчейна. Термин «индустрия рассказов» относится к индустрии, которая использует «истории» в качестве источника своих продуктов и включает такие области, как фильмы, драмы, веб-романы, веб-драмы, пьесы, мюзиклы и радиопостановки.
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